So many of us who have given our lives to Christ gradually fall stagnant in our relationship with Him. As time passes, we still say we believe in God but don’t have a real connection to that commitment. Fears sink in where hope used to live. We believe because we don’t want to get in trouble or go to hell. What we want is the same intensity, passion and excitement we once had. We want a relationship that has meaning and relevance to our lives.
We are here because we understand what it’s like to crave intimacy with God. We built this ministry out of a belief that we’re always growing and becoming more aware of Christ working in and through us. In 2011 Awakening Hope Ministries was born out of the overwhelming passion that God has put in us to use the gifts He has given us to impact the body of Christ, and to be a witness to the world. Our mission is to preach the uncompromising Word of God, worship with abandon, pray and minister to anyone who is willing to receive.
We want an awakening.